Learn Oracle Database Upgrade – Oracle 11g to 12c upgrade
Course Goal:
High level steps to upgrade from Oracle 11G to 12C using Oracle Linux 7.4
Step-1 Download Oracle Linux 7.6 , Oracle 11G and 12C Software
Step-2 Install Oracle Linux 7.6 Step by Step
Step-3 Basic Host Configuration of Linux Server
Step-4 Setup Oracle Perquisites on Linux Server
Step-5 Install Oracle 11G Software
Step-6 Configure Listener using NETCA
Step-7 Create database TESTDB using DBCA
Step-8 Install Oracle 12C Software only
Step-9 Run Pre-upgrade SQL Scripts
Step-10 Upgrade 11G to 12C using DBUA
Step-11 Go Live
Upgrade 11G to 12C using Windows platform.
Step-1 Download windows 2012 , Oracle 11G,Patch and 12C Software
Step-2 Install windows 2012 Step by Step
Step-3 Install Oracle 11G Software on windows
Step-4 Install Oracle patch Software on windows
Step-5 Install Oracle 12C Software only
Step-6 Run Pre-upgrade SQL Scripts
Step-7 Upgrade 11G to 12C using DBUA
Step-8 Go Live
Note: Each Step has own sequence of installation